New York Common Pantry (NYCP) provides K-12 schools with educational and community service opportunities to help students learn about food insecurity and poverty in New York City. Some of the many ways for schools to get involved with NYCP include:
Hosting a Drive
Throughout the year, New York Common Pantry collects food and other items for our neighbors in need. Schools are welcome to participate in any of the collection drives we have scheduled. You also can find information on donating or hosting a drive on our Charitable Drives and In-Kind Donations page. See our current calendar of drives below.

Schools are also welcome to host their own drives outside of NYCP’s regular schedule. Below are some ideas for monthly donation events.

We are open to suggestions! Please feel free to share.
Other Fundraising Events & Ideas
Schools can host other events to raise money to support NYCP programs, including:
Educational Resources
NYCP welcomes schools to teach students about food insecurity, poverty, and the importance of students getting involved in their communities. We have created a School Resource Bank of classroom resources such as a short presentation about NYCP and its services, and some related worksheets. If you have ideas for lesson plans or other school-related projects tied to New York Common Pantry, please share them with us and we may share them in the School Resource Bank with other educators. To discuss your ideas or to request more information on classroom resources, please email Doreen Morales at dola81morales@gmail.com