Stand for a Food Secure NYC

These past weeks, New York Common Pantry alongside members of The Roundtable: Allies for Food Access and other emergency food providers, have raised our voices against the proposed cuts to the Community Food Connection (CFC) program. 

Last week, we attended Rally For a Food Secure NYC at City Hall and a few days ago, we testified at the NYC Council General Welfare Hearing. You can read the testimony here. Cuts to the CFC funding will significantly impact the ability of soup kitchens and food pantries to provide nutritious and sufficient food to hungry families throughout all boroughs of NYC. It will be detrimental to the health of New Yorkers especially those facing hunger and poverty. 

Now we need your help. Please urge Mayor Adams and the City Council to restore and INCREASE the funds to CFC to create a more sustainable and equitable food system in NYC. We need to invest in a brighter future. We need the Mayor to say YES to Food Access.

Take action! To participate in this advocacy campaign, email the Mayor using this link and contact your local City Council Member. To locate your City Council Member, click here to enter your address. We’ve created a sample email for you to send or create your own. 

Thank you for your support. Please reach out if you have any questions.