Jaravis Garcia, Volunteer at New York Common Pantry

Photo by: Gerardo Romo

Jaravis is currently in her last semester at Lehman College pursuing a Bachelor of Science with a focus on dietetics, food and nutrition in community and culinary health. Alongside with her studies, Jaravis is working as a Birth Registrar at the Mount Sinai Hospital and has been employed there for the past 9 years. Her goal is to address the social determinants of health within her community. In her free time, Jaravis enjoys shopping, traveling, spending time with family, giving back to the community, and going for jogs. Jaravis is passionate about giving back and spreading positivity and humanity through acts of kindness.

Q: How did you first hear about New York Common Pantry?  

A: I became aware of NY Common Pantry simply by walking past it every day on my way to and from work. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to it, but as I started to notice the number of people coming in and out of the building, I became curious. I decided to stop in one day and learn more about this organization and its mission to fight hunger and poverty in New York City.

Q: What do you enjoy most or what is your favorite thing about volunteering at NYCP?  

A: I really enjoy volunteering here at NYCP because from the moment I walk into the building I feel like a superhero. I am not sure why but I feel good about what I am going to accomplish along with other fellow volunteers. The staff are all so welcoming and friendly and Of Course the people in our community who we service are always left with a smile once they leave the building.

Q: What motivates you to give back to the community at NYCP?  

A: I am motivated to give back because I believe in the power of social determinants and their impact on individuals and the community as a whole. I understand that access to resources and opportunities can greatly shape a person’s life and I want to contribute to creating a more equal and just society for all.

Q: How has volunteering at NYCP made an impact on you? 

A: Being a part of NYCP has shown me the importance of giving back and supporting one another, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such a community and organization.

Q: What message would you share with someone who is considering volunteering?

A: I would highly encourage anyone to volunteer at NYCP. Not only will you be giving back to the community and making a positive impact, but you will also gain valuable skills and experiences, meet new people and make meaningful connections, and feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose.