Intern Spotlight: Anna Catherine “AC” Buckley

AC joined NYCP as an Intern from the Summer Public Health Scholars Program at Columbia University. She is an upcoming junior at the University of Mississippi where she studies Public Health and Health Sciences with an Emphasis in Community Health and minors in French. AC hopes to work to address health disparities and environmental injustices, particularly within marginalized communities. In whatever work she does, AC wants to be a change agent while serving others in her community. 

Hometown: Jackson, Mississippii
School: University of Mississippi
Major: Public Health & Health Sciences, Community Health Emphasis
Hobbies: Shopping, reading, painting, listening to music, baking, dancing

Q:  What do you enjoy most or what is your favorite thing about interning at NYCP?
A: Working on many different projects, such as Farmshare and nutrition education at PS 294 and PS 311, and learning from the Live Healthy! Team. 

Q: How has interning at NYCP made an impact on you?
A: Interning at NYCP showed me how important it is to build trust and engage with your community. 

Q: What project did you work on and how did NYCP support you?
A: My final project titled “Shelving Stigma: Grocery Store Client Choice Pantry Model A Solution to Food Insecurity in Young Adults of Marginalized Communities While Eradicating the Stigmatization of Food Pantry Services”  is a poster presentation and program proposal idea focusing on implementing a grocery store pantry model to minimize pantry stigma that is often experienced by young adults. The goal of this program would be to increase the return frequency of young pantry users who are increasingly becoming food insecure, yet face many social barriers and self perceived stigma that reduces emergency food service. NYCP supported me by helping me problem-solve with my proposal writing and poster design and provide me with the necessary tools and data to fulfill the project requirements.