We’re grateful for all you’ve done for the communities we serve during this festive time and throughout the year.

With nearly 3 million people in NYC struggling to make ends meet and 50% of working-age households not earning enough to pay for basic expenses — like housing, food, healthcare, transportation and childcare — our work and support is even more critical.

Won’t you please give the gift of a warm, nutritious meal to families struggling to provide their loved ones with a traditional celebration, and donate to New York Common Pantry today?

Other ways to give:

  • Make a general donation with our secure giving form (above).
  • Make a pledge with our secure pledge form (above).
  • Call (917) 720-9732 to make a gift by phone.
  • Mail a check to:  Development Office, New York Common Pantry, 8 East 109th Street, New York, NY 10029
  • To make a gift of securities, please download, complete and return the stock transfer form(s) to Matthew Lieberman at mlieberman@nycommonpantry.org so that we can be sure to give proper credit to all gifts of securities.
  • Matching gift?  If your company has a matching gift program, please request a Matching Gift Form from the human resources department.
  • If you would like to modify or cancel your recurring gift, please contact Matthew Lieberman at mlieberman@nycommonpantry.org .

New York Common Pantry reduces hunger and promotes dignity, health and self-sufficiency.

Our whole-person, culturally-sensitive approach addresses the underlying causes of food insecurity through an array of interconnected programs that function to establish long-term independence for those we serve. These include our Choice Pantry, senior supplemental nutrition program and meal distribution programs, case management focused on resource acquisition, and nutrition education.  Our mobile programs enable us to serve traditionally under-resourced communities throughout the city.