1 In 4 New Yorkers Is Food Insecure
- New York Common Pantry has invested in finding new ways to carry out its mission without the resources it has traditionally relied and served a record number of households in 2020.
- After the onset of COVID-19, NYCP provided nutritious food for 108,600 guests through Pantries, Nourish, Mobile, Brown Bags, and Hot Meals.
Food Is A Human Right
- The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically increased food insecurity for New Yorkers and limited their
ability to access nutritious food. - Without food, the other essentials—housing, work, education — cannot happen
- Between April and June 2020, our mobile pantry program delivered 84,327 meals to 7,124 guests.
NYCP Puts First Things First
- NYCP adapted swiftly to confront food insecurity in an extraordinary time, ensuring more New Yorkers and their families could eat.
- Distributed over 6.2 million meals to 502,737 visitors in FY20.
- Accessed over $7 million in resources in FY20.
- Created a ROI of $6.79 for every $1 spent on case management in FY20.
Our Community Heeded the Call
- Corporate volunteering was suspended due to the virus, but our corporate partners stepped up with donations and operations support.